Words that touch hearts + change lives

Intuitive book coaching + publishing for women ready to write brave

Turn the book in your heart into a work of art that's ready to be shared with the world.

I see you.

You’ve been dreaming of being an author for a long time.

You imagine the moment of holding your book in your hands.

You're in the right place.

I help you walk the path from "I want to write a book someday" to "I have written a book, and I am ridiculously proud of it."

I usher you from the wings of wanting to be a writer into your center-stage author identity.

That identity is calling to you. Your book is calling you forward.

It takes bravery. And I know you've got that in spades.

Let’s make some magic.

Let's add a dash of sorcery to your writing practice, so that writing feels more delicious than procrastinating ever could. 

Sign up for my free email journey, 30 Days of Writing Magic. 

There are lots of writing coaches out there.

Here’s how I’m different.

  1. I don't teach a 5-step (or 9-step, or 12-step) process on how to write a book.

    The work of your heart is not cookie cutter, so neither is the process of making it. Instead of teaching you my intuitive writing process, I help you discover yours.

  2. "Let's write your book in six months" is anathema to me.

    Every book has its own gestation period - and we can't know what it is until we've moved through it. Your book is on its own timeline. I'll teach you how to honor that, and to honor the stage of the creative cycle that you're in.

  3. Writing is less about the mechanics than it is about the energetics.

    Tending to the emotion that's flowing through you onto the page, and tending to the emotion rising in you as you work, is paramount. I use trauma-informed, somatic, creative and energetic practices to help support your writing process.

  4. Your book exists somewhere in its entirety - all you need to do is channel it.

    I help you clear the channel so the book can write itself through you more cleanly. 

  5. Now that we've covered all the magical intuitive goodness, on to my credentials:

    I'm the award-winning author of Catchlight, which was named a Best Indie Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews. 

    I have an MFA in creative writing. 

    And I am exceptionally skilled at seeing what books need. 

Don't take it from me - take it from my clients…

Hear What My Clients Are Saying…

From quitting excuses to exhaling in a ‘no judgment’ zone to basking in the energetics of the writing process,

here’s what my clients are saying…


“I got sick of putting ‘write a book’ on my New Year’s goals every single year. I got tired of my own excuses, so I joined Brooke’s Secrets of Storytelling Mastermind. The monthly deadline of having to submit work for review is, on its own, worth the price of admission. My book wouldn’t exist without Brooke.”

— Kelli Thompson, author of Closing the Confidence Gap

“What I appreciated most was that in our one-on-one sessions, if I hadn't  progressed as far as I thought I should, there was no judgment. I got two good chapters written, and I feel good about where I am.

This has been FUN. And no matter where I am in the book, I can always go back to the framework.”

— Andrea McCaskey

“There’s all kinds of places that teach you how to write a book. But the thing that makes Brooke’s work really special is the energy and care and gentleness she brings to the process. I love her work around the energetics - that’s what feels right to me. It’s really something special, and she has a lot to be proud of.”

— Kara Pepper, MD

You’re compelled to bring forth the book that’s inside you. 

Here’s how we can carry your vision to completion + share your book with the world.

I work with women writing novels, memoirs, and personal development books. Let’s dive in.



You’ve got a book idea (or three), but need help getting started.



You’re craving ongoing support, community and guidance for the writing process, plus feedback on your draft as you go along.



You’ve got a finished draft, and you know it can be better, but you have no idea what to do next.



You're finished writing and ready to publish your book. What now?

I started Writing Brave Press to help you self-publish, or to manage the publishing process for you.

Let’s make some magic.

Let's add a dash of sorcery to your writing practice, so that writing feels more delicious than procrastinating ever could. 

Sign up for my free email journey, 30 Days of Writing Magic. 

If you’re anything like my clients, you’ve known for a long time that you’re meant to write a book.

Maybe since childhood. Maybe for the past ten years. Or maybe the book you’re being called to write has presented itself to you more recently.

Whatever the case, know this:

Your desire to write is a calling to write. You are meant to bring forth your gifts in this way.

And here’s what I know for sure: 

When you begin writing, instead of thinking about how you’re not writing or mentally complaining that you don’t know how to write or berating yourself for starting and stopping so.many.writing.projects –

When you begin actually writing the book that’s calling to you - when you commit with your heart and your actions (and usually your pocketbook) - 

Vast energy stores unlock and become available.

Because often, what makes us exhausted isn’t that we are doing so much.

It’s that we aren’t doing what we are called to do. It’s that we are holding ourselves small. We are holding back the floodgates of what wants to move through us.

Including your book.

It takes so much energy to hold back a flood, my love.

Let’s break the dam and unleash your voice. There is so much inside you waiting to be unlocked.

Are you ready?

Here’s What They Have to Say…


“I started writing my book at Brooke’s very first writing retreat. I started to feel into this idea of, I’m writing a book. It was the first time I’d ever thought that. Brooke really supported me in starting to own that and stepping into my author identity. That was honestly a big piece of stepping into the Secrets of Storytelling Mastermind.

Also I really wanted to learn how to take my book to the next level. In high school and college I had hit the pinnacle of ‘what was needed’ in my writing, and I wanted to learn how to take it higher and challenge myself, and to let it be very much by own creation, my own process, my own way of being. Brooke left a lot of space for that - she would offer a frame and some tools, but ultimately left the space of, ‘your book is very much your own and there’s not just one way to do it.’

— Tam Templeman

“After participating in the Write-A-Chapter Challenge, I knew Brooke Adams Law was the writing coach and developmental editor my novel needed. I had finished my first draft but struggled with where to go from there. I hired Brooke for editing and guidance. Brooke did an outstanding job understanding my vision and providing feedback that strengthened my work. She pinpointed big-picture areas that needed improvement, and she made line-by-line suggestions on my manuscript. Brooke gave me a sense of direction with my novel that I never had before. Her honesty and knowledge of the storytelling process is worth the investment.”

— Shanna Lowe, author of Candy Sky Tells a Lie

“When I finished the first draft of my first novel and knew it needed much more work, I shopped around for a coach who would work me hard by pointing out specific things I needed to do to improve, who was widely read enough to be able to show me examples of ways fine writers worked, and who was always enthusiastic about my work without acting like I needed to be gushed over.

“I found Brooke, and I feel rewarded for my search. She is so smart, and knows the things a writer must do to develop deep characters, and to drive a story using lively dialogue, but she also seems to intuit when I need to step back from my work and look at the big plot and ask big questions.

“She believes in me and my novel, and I won’t be going anywhere without her.”

— Judy Dushku

 Work With Me


You need help getting started. ——> Fire Starter Sessions

You want support through your writing process. ——> Mastermind

You want feedback on a finished draft. ——> Developmental Editing


You want guidance to self-publish. ——> Self Publishing Starter Kit

You want to publish with a professional team. ——> Publishing Packages

With hybrid publishing, you get:

  • More time and less stress, since you’re not pitching literary agents and waiting around for someone to say yes.

  • Complete creative control over the look and feel of your book.

  • Cut the timeline from now to pub day from three years (on average with traditional publishers) to six months.

  • Maintain the rights to your book.

  • Keep all the royalties.

Transform your writing practice.

Get access to my free course, 30 Days of Writing Magic.